Young Advantage provides a range of services to schools in Melbourne and rural Victoria. These include the following:
Assessment of individual students
Marg Young assesses students by referral. Students are assessed on a fee to family, service basis. Included in the assessment fee, is provision of a report with outcomes of assessment and strategies for support, to the school. The assessment fee also includes a face to face consultation with the school to assist in the development of an ILP, as required. The provision of the report with face to face consultation is seen as an essential ingredient for successful outcomes, as opposed to the provision of a report alone.
Professional learning provision
Marg Young has provided professional learning support over many years, both here and internationally. In addition to Young Advantage, Marg is a consultant for Independent Schools Victoria, in their Language for Schools Program. She is able to provide professional learning in her key areas of expertise including:
- Language based learning difficulties, presentation and remediation
- Modification and adaptation of curriculum for students with learning difficulties
- Modification and adaptation of curriculum for gifted and highly able students
- Inclusion of the learning disabled student
- How to support twice exceptional students
- Phonological awareness, its role in literacy development, teaching and learning
- Making differentiation a reality
Screening Preps for literacy and language
Marg has provided screening services of Prep students to Independent schools, and State schools on the Mornington Peninsula. This service is best provided early in the school year and provided on a fee for student, or fee per hour basis, as preferred by the school. Each student is screened individually. Results are reported individually and information provided to teachers (individually and group, as desired).
The screening assessment includes:
- Screening of speech development
- Screening of oral narrative ability ( a good indicator of academic potential)
- Screening of phonological awareness ( indicator of literacy success)
- Auditory perceptual screening